Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bonjour! & Hello

So how is everyone doing? 
Sorry i kept you waiting so long, but never the less i'm back :)  

I've just got back from my recent trip to the Philipine's 
It was like this overdue break that i finally got... 
So there was Obviously my parents and the rest of the familia, then there was Gavin and Greg who were also there with me on the trip which just added up to all nonsense we did together ;)
The local's were gorgeous and as friendly as ever. 
The shopping was HEAVEN! 
And the weather just summed up the entire trip to perfection.  
But i would have to say that the highlight of my entire trip ( to everyone's shock) was not the shopping...imagine that! hah... but instead, i just absolutely fell in love with Imelda Marcos's Palace

                                                - syanas radzali

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hello there loves, 
Its only tuesday today and i feel like i've gone trough one heck of a week... imagine that?
Well unlike my usual(not so sad social life) :) haha, I have spent my entire week at home studying for my exams, so this isn't exactly going to be the highlight of my blog i'll do my job and keep posting and u make sure u keep reading, 
Well next week better be a hell of a week!
anyway, as for now i've gtg
so till then...

                           love- syanas

Monday, August 4, 2008


Okay, so its my first post which should've been done since JAN but yeah...what am i suposed to be writing again??