Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My loves :)

Okay so my finals started today....and, not so happy...
And my post is turning out very dull right now..damn it
well at least i'll be out tonight, which means now i have to go like what the hell am i supposed to wear?

I cant wait for elya to get home! the day she gets home is the day everyone wont be seeing us much! ;) 
im looking forward to tmrw tough, for a very good reason ;)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Im tired, im drained out, i miss having everyone around me and i hate the fact that adam and alex have left home for scotland and and 
my bloody finals are in exactly 5 days...
And to top it all off it looks like i wont be heading to New York and Canada anyway... therefore i'm like so much for having new years eve in the big apple and catching up with R :(...ugh...
I's birthday is coming up and therefore J and I are going absolutely mad over thinking what to get her.... because she practically wants everything.. the least i could do is get her the perfect gift for not being able to be there for her at her party.. because i have something else going on, like seriously what the hell
ohmygod, talk about drama..i have it going on massive
             -syanas radzali

Today was great :)
Everything about it..
from waking up to stepping out..

first of all i've just discovered the fact that if vin diesel's in a movie...
i'll definately be paying attention ... alot of attention...
Im looking for the perfect little black dress...
and believe it or not i still cant find one, i mean like how annoying is that? 
and and
finally i actually managed to catch up and spend time over a movie :) which was great
then i met nadia over dinner but off course as usual meeting her always has to be this unexpected-unplanned thing
but dinner still turned out well
and she met my I for the first today (which was so adorable)

Now as i'm blogging i have Hans with me and we're watching this stupid like bimbo movie, i think? 
So Hans has started with his usual nonsense and crap  and i cant bloody stop laughing (which is so not good) because i literally cant stop laughing...LITERALLY!
                                                                                                                               -syanas radzali

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So today turned out not too bad... As much as I practically did nothing.. ;)
Besides spending my time with well.....
Basically i spent my whole day with Zuly, Julian, Ali , Sonia and Imran and we had nothing but crap going on as usual ( considering it being us ) hahaha

Zuly had her performance thing which i found so bloody cute with the whole bollywood thingi going on

I have Adam and Alex packing up to leave and head back to Scotland right now :( 
and we're obviously going to miss all the nonsense we've been up to for the past week 
and especially adam's oh so famous never ending sarcastic conversations

its 10 and i should have been studying since 8 or atleast thats what i planned
but then again knwing me- it allways works the other way around
I cant believe the finals are up nxt seriously its all i need

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Today has been such a day! So i woke up to a bad start and ended up being a little late this morning,  I'd have to say tough.. My wake up call made everything absolutely worth it..

It was such a easy going day, that is till i got home...Guess who i find sitting right there in front of me, dearest Hans, my absolutely adorable neighbor whom's german name i cant pronounce till today! So he comes up with all his brilliant annoying ideas as usual and gets me to watch the horror movie i've been too bloody scared to watch with him, so now i'd probably end up spending my entire night staying up :(
I still cant believe i watched it!

Omg i still have 27 days of fasting to go..well i might as well make the best of loosing some weight!

well as for now my phone is ringing take care till i talk to you soon

love- syanas radzali